Terms & Conditions

Health and Safety and Hygiene policy

At Glow Bambino, we take Health and Safety very seriously. The safety of our customers is top of our priorities, and we recognise the additional need to support and protect young babies and children.

Here is what we do to make sure that all sessions are carried out in a safe and hygienic environment.

·    We carry out a written risk assessment for all the locations that we use to deliver our Glow Bambino sessions, and this is reviewed every 3 months and stored with us for 3 years.

·    In addition to this, we carry out a visual risk assessment before each session to make sure the studio/hall space is safe and clean.

·    We will occasionally have a fire drill, but all participants at the session will be pre warned

·    We make sure the toilet facilities are clean before each session and provide clean baby changing facilities (please let us know if they are not clean).

·    We will ask parents/carers to keep bags and coats out of the sessions where possible to make sure the area is free from trip and accident hazards.

·    We ask all parents to take off their shoes and suggest their feet are covered by socks.

·    We ask that if you or your little one is unwell with a contagious illness that you miss class

·    We clean all sensory items between sessions and session leaders start each session with clean hands and have covered feet or wear shoes only used inside the studio.

·    All our food/drinks are made in hygienic environments but cannot be guaranteed as allergy or nut free (please speak to your Glow leader if you have an allergy). We do not charge for the refreshments these are an additional extra that you may wish to take part in.

·    We check all our equipment before each session to make sure it is safe and clean. As we are a sensory play group some of our items ARE NOT baby toys and some of our items are recommended for over age 3 as they contain batteries or smaller parts

·    Please note: All our individual sessions have been designed for babies and children to be ALWAYS supervised while at class and playing and exploring the sensory environment/items. None of the items should be left with an unsupervised baby and we will suggest that some items are used by parents only. Please note that your participation in Glow Bambino is at your own risk, and with the understanding that parents/carers always supervise and are fully responsible for their own babies and children. Parents and caregivers understand that not all items are specifically baby toys and therefore caution and parental/carer close supervision is needed for little ones to explore them safely. Items used are not all TOYS, some are natural items such as pinecones, items with batteries or other items which are not specified as a toy and do not come with any toy safety testing etc. 

·    All our plug-in electrical items are PAT tested as needed per regulations and we test all items before each session starts. We keep electrics away from babies where possible but do ask that parents DO NOT let babies and children play or fiddle with our lighting/electrical items. We use LED lighting which has very low heat emissions making it particularly safe for use around children.

·    With our young babies and tots we DO NOT use UV lighting or strobes (we use a safer alternative) as we know babies’ eyes are still developing and need extra protection.

·    We have researched the best, safest and most relaxing lighting to use with a young age group and never use theatrical grade lasers or lights, but we ask that parents monitor their baby closely as all children can have different reactions to new experiences. It is important to note if your baby has an adverse reaction to any lighting effect, consult your healthcare provider with your concerns. 

·    Each Glow Bambino Franchise has full Public Liability Insurance, and all leaders have a current clear DBS Check if needed.

·    All the locations that we use to deliver Glow Bambino in have buildings insurance and have, to our knowledge, passed all current building maintenance safety conditions.

·    There will always be an up to date First Aid kit available and Glow Bambino Leaders will have knowledge of how to use this kit, although may not have full first aid training.

·    All franchise leaders will have a good understanding of Safeguarding (child protection / domestic violence) and an understanding of specifics to their own area. We have a safeguarding policy if you wish to see this.

·    We will not tolerate any abusive behaviour or language towards our leaders, staff or other attendees at sessions. If this happens, the person will be asked to leave sessions and will not receive a refund on sessions. Please see our anti bullying section in our Safeguarding Policy.

·    We practice anti-discrimination and anti-bullying throughout our Glow Bambino business and promote mental health support. We strive to create safe, welcoming, friendly, non-judgmental environments for all our classes and courses. No form of discrimination or bullying will be tolerated in our business or our sessions. If you experience any form of discrimination, please speak to your Glow Leader or to Glow Bambino HQ (contact details can be found on our website).

·    We will do our very best to accommodate anyone with any additional need and make changes where possible and do all we can to make our sessions accessible to all. We will advise on any concerns that any parent has about attending our sessions.

Covid-19 update January 2022

The Scientific evidence suggests that there is a high degree of confidence that the susceptibility to clinical disease of younger children (up to 11) is lower than for adults, however it remains important that protective measures are put in to place to help reduce the risk of transmission.

These are the additional steps and changes we will be making to our sessions:

·    We will be adding Covid-19 and control of viruses/disease in to the regular risk assessment for all sessions.

·    Glow Bambino will be reducing class numbers and/or changing session locations to accommodate safe social distancing measures. We will ask parents to stay in their own play zone/area unless they are from the same family bubble in which case, they will be able to sit without socially distancing and wear face coverings as needed under the current Covid19 legislation. Current legislation recommends 1-meter bubbles and mask wearing.

·    Glow bambino will be adjusting our glowing adventures to stop/reduce any cross contamination of sensory items that are used.

·    Glow Bambino have always used a strict cleaning procedure for all items used in sessions, but the cleaning of these items will be enhanced by using Zoono products with their unique technology with a z-71 Microbe Shield that is 99.99% effective against coronavirus protecting surfaces for up to 30 days and hands for up to 24hours.

·    We will be asking parents to use Zoono hand sanitiser at the start and end of each session and using these products (where possible) to clean items between sessions, washing all soft items and fully drying them before they are used again so each parent and baby will have fresh clean items every session

·    All leaders will also wash and sanitize their hands before each session. 

·    We will be cleaning all door handles and shared spaces with Zoono before each session.

·    We will only use community venues that have been given permission to open to the public.

·    We will regularly be checking all Government, Local Authority and Children’s Activity Association legislation and guidance and will follow all advice given.

·    We would ask that if any parent or child is displaying any Covid-19 symptoms that you DO NOT attend sessions. If you have been in contact with anyone displaying symptoms that you do not attend session.

·    We will have a register with all current contact numbers and will contact all those in attendance if any member of the group becomes ill with Covid-19 symptoms. We will ask that all those attending contact us immediately if they do become ill with Covid-19 symptoms

·    We will advise parents that although we will take all measures in our control to safeguard against infection, attendance to Glow Bambino is at customers own risk and that if sessions must be cancelled or missed due to circumstances outside our control, we cannot offer refunds. We will however endeavour to offer alternative sessions.

·    Please note, that if classes have to be cancelled due to any local or national lockdown, we will pause all sessions and resume as soon as we can, if when we do resume you are no longer able to attend (or do not wish to re attend), we will offer 50% refund on your remaining classes or you can pass your space to a specified person to complete your sessions. We cannot offer a full refund in these circumstances.

Standard Booking Terms & Conditions

Booking and Refunds

Sessions are pre-paid only. Due to hall hire costs and other fees, we don’t offer refunds if you do not attend class. You may cancel a booking up to 7 days before the block starts, provided you inform the class leader in writing. At this point you will be offered a 75% refund (the other 25% will be held as an admin fee) or you can gift your block to a friend. The class leader must be informed of any changes made before the block starts for track and trace purposes. Once classes have started, bookings are non-refundable. This policy does not apply to cancelations due to a lockdown or other restrictions. Please see COVID19 policy for specific terms and conditions.

Payment method

Payment can be made through ‘ClassForKids’, an online booking system.

Confirmation of place

When booking through the online booking system, you will receive an automated reply confirming your place. If you do not receive this, it is your responsibility to contact the session leader and confirm your place. If you do not receive an automated confirmation, your place is not secured.

If for any reason, you have not booked through the online booking system, your place will only be secured when the full payment has been received. At that point, a confirmation email will be sent. Your space IS NOT secure until full payment is made, and a confirmation email has been received.

Waiting Lists

We limit the numbers of those attending to make our sessions more friendly and intimate and we operate a waiting list but will try and accommodate friends in the same class where possible.

Data Protection

We follow all current data protection legislation and use a booking system called ‘ClassForKids’ that securely stores any personal data. If we have your data in any other form this is also stored securely. We do not share your data with any third parties.


We will ask permission to use photographs or videos from our sessions in any public forum, if you are not happy for images of your child to be shared, please let your leader know in advance as this helps us to maintain your privacy. 

We love parents and caregivers taking pictures or small snippet videos at our sessions but please be mindful and sensitive of taking photos without others permission. If asked, please stop and respect the rights and decisions of others.

There are also closed Facebook groups that you can join, where you can share photos and information. We will do our best to monitor these to make sure all those in the groups are legitimately part of the groups, but as with all social media we cannot guarantee this. Please do not share any personal information or data on these groups, rather contact your Glow Bambino leader directly with any personal information.

All other policies

We assume that parents have read this policy and are happy with the contents of it.

We don’t send out all our policies but please ask to see our other policies and risk assessments as these are available to be shared with parents/carers.  

Contact information

Please note that we will assume that you have read the information in this policy and are happy with it. If you have any questions or queries, please contact to your Sophie (Glow Bambino Peebles and Galashiels Franchise Owner) via 07825235099 or glowbambino.peebles.galashiels@gmail.com. Alternatively, Head Office which can be reached via our main Facebook page messenger or via this number 07771746094.